
Profound Truth

The Word of God stands as absolute truth. Let every person be a liar while the Word of God remains true. It is vital to trust in God's Word and in the completed work. When Jesus proclaimed "it is finished" upon the cross, it was indeed so. The Scripture teaches us that those who are united with Christ have put to death the flesh with its inclinations and cravings. This truth applies to all who belong to Christ: the new believer, the seasoned disciple, the young and old, the fragile and the steadfast in faith. The flesh, along with its desires and cravings, has been crucified. While I may still stumble, struggle with anger, battle addictions, and wrestle with lust, my personal encounters or emotions do not alter the reality that God's Word is true. He declared that my flesh has been crucified, and I must heed His Word above my encounters and feelings. If we fixate on our circumstances, personal encounters, and emotions, the realization of our flesh being crucified will escape us. We must set aside our sentiments and experiences. Rely on His Word. Embracing God’s Word will lead to the encounter. At the moment when Jesus was crucified on the cross, our flesh was also crucified. God views our flesh as already crucified, an accomplished fact. Therefore, even though sin may still hold sway in our lives, in God’s eyes, our flesh with its desires has already been put to death. Let us trust in God’s Word and affirm: God declares that my flesh has been crucified, and so I believe it has. By responding to God’s Word with unwavering faith, we will come to experience its reality

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I'm done!!!I'm done with feelings that don't define me. Done with circumstances that are out of my control. Done with the past and the future.I am a Child of the Most High God. So what - what has happened. So what my world fell apart. Maybe it needed to fall apart to be built better. I am perfectly in the hands of a sovereign God who IS in control. I am forgiven and His blood has cleansed me. He is working all things out for my good. I trust Him in all things. So I turn from allowing thoughts and circumstances and feelings move me away and move closer allowing Him to do what only He can do. My sanity, my children, my hope, my life is in His hands. I am Not broken- I am healing!I am not heartbroken- I am loved beyond measure! I am not a failure- I am prepared for battle!The battle is won. I receive victory. No weapon formed will prosper.

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Emotions are not a sign of weakness. They are signs of an internal need, and we should acknowledge them and explore them externally without attachment or judgment.

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Pain -The burden of everyone's pain weighs heavily on me. The intense inner struggle is unbearable. I grieve for the pain in others. I grieve for my own suffering. Pain defines my existence.  All I yearn for is serenity and genuine affection. I long for the torment to dissipate. My heart is constantly heavy.  I may attempt to flee and conceal it.Occasionally I may seem fine, but the pain lurks, ready to resurface. I desire to alleviate the suffering of those around me. It pains me to witness others in pain because I am all too familiar with it. I assume responsibility for the actions and decisions of others as though they were my own. I would rather shoulder the blame than allow someone else to bear the weight of their mistakes. Perhaps I am truly at fault; I could have made different choices leading to a better outcome, or maybe I am merely enabling. Why do I possess such a profound capacity to love passionately but struggle to accept love in return? Why am I incapable of making difficult decisions that may cause temporary pain but ultimately benefit others? Pain is my unwavering companion; I will shield others from it as best I can, yet I cannot escape its grasp. Despite my admirable traits, I am also consumed by pain and sorrow. No one comprehends this. No one genuinely sees me.Why am I unable to assist them? Why am I unable to help myself?Oh pain, how I wish to part ways with you. Yet, if it means safeguarding my loved ones from you, I will endure. I will absorb you, silently dying inside to prevent my loved ones from experiencing my pain. I will transform the suffering into profound love.

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My heart has been awoken by love, not just any love, but the kind that reshapes one's very essence. It compels me to strive for my best self, to desire nothing but the best for my love.

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Who truly defines me? Am I merely the sum of my mistakes or the labels others attach to me? Am I the titles I give myself? What lies at the core of my being? Is a moment of anger all it takes to brand me as an angry person? Are my past mistakes the sole definition of who I am? Does one lie brand me a perpetual liar? None of these things define my true essence. The essence of who I am transcends my actions and the judgments of others.

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Transformation is a challenging journey, one that doesn't come easily. We resist it, often encountering discomfort and adversity, compelling us to persevere without surrendering. Tough decisions demand our resolve, even if they differ from others' perspectives. Sometimes, we must remove to those dear to us who don't align with our path or cannot follow where God's guidance leads. Progress might escape us initially, but persistence reveals its fruits, rewarding our perseverance in due time. Regardless of the circumstances, change remains difficult; however, surrendering is not an option if we aim to achieve our goals.

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