The Finished Work
Jesus stands as the Messiah, the Son of the Most High God. In the beginning, the Word existed with God and was God. This Word became flesh and dwelt among us, Jesus being the living God who descended from heaven to redeem us. His life was flawless, free from sin, as He relinquished divine privileges to serve humbly. Fully divine and fully human, He exemplified perfect love.
Upon the cross, Jesus bore the weight of all our sins, illnesses, infirmities, and shame. His death served as the ultimate, unblemished sacrifice for eternity. Through one man's righteous sacrifice, salvation entered the world, cleansing every sin for every person throughout time. His blood covers every sin, offering salvation and restoration without exception.
We are saved by grace through faith in Jesus, not by our deeds. When we fail and sin, there's no need for self-punishment, for Jesus bore our punishment on the cross out of love.
Confession leads to forgiveness, as Jesus faithfully absolves us and wipes our sins away, remembering them no more. The work is complete; there's no need for striving. Resting in this truth, embracing it fully, transforms us. Rather than struggling, we're called to believe and receive the Lord's blessings, which enrich our lives abundantly.
Every spiritual blessing has been granted to us by God. Instead of complicating matters with reasoning or self-punishment, all we need do is believe in the finished work of Christ. Through Him, we find strength for all tasks and challenges.
We navigate life by faith, not sight or feeling, confident in what we hope for and assured of the Lord's unseen workings. Salvation, in its Greek essence, encompasses deliverance, safety, preservation, pardon, restoration, healing, wholeness, and soundness.
Ephesians 2:10 reminds us of our status as God's creations, designed for good works in Christ Jesus. Seated spiritually with Christ in heavenly realms, we possess authority over the enemy and claim victory. Understanding and believing these truths allow us to walk worthy of our calling, victorious with renewed minds and transformed into Christ's likeness.
Praise God for the finished work! Covered by Christ's blood, we're healed, restored, and made whole, righteous in Him. Embracing Jesus' words, we believe in performing His works and even greater works, as He ascends to the Father. Let the truth of God's Word permeate your being, resisting doubt and the devil. Speak, believe, and immerse yourself in the Word of God, for it is true, and every contrary notion is false.
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