
Published on 14 June 2024 at 08:27


Having experienced prolonged suffering, one eventually becomes desensitized. This numbing feeling may initially provide relief from anguish and pain. However, being numb masks all emotions, both positive and negative, creating a sense of detachment from the world. It's comparable to wandering through a fog, observing beauty but unable to fully appreciate it, witnessing turmoil without feeling connected to it. It's like being a passive observer of life, seeing the good, the bad, and the ugly without engaging with any of it.

Initially, numbness shields us from pain but also blocks out joy and love. Despite craving inner peace and positive feelings, they seem distant and unattainable as numbness persists. The weight of suppressed emotions lingers, hidden beneath the surface, initially sought to escape overwhelming pain.

Yet, the absence of positive emotions fosters a hostile inner environment, making one wary of embracing feelings for fear of further hurt. The desire to rekindle emotions clashes with the instinct to protect oneself from future heartache. How long can numbness endure? Will it shield indefinitely, leaving one devoid of feeling and missing out on happiness?

I believe it comes down to a choice. Confronting pain, immersing ourselves in it, and moving through it can free us. It is about breaking personal barriers and accepting this truth.

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3 months ago

Omg on point!. I loooove this. Beautiful and I thank and appreciate you... #God'sgift #thankful #messageforme #truth #thankyoulord