The Box

Published on 14 May 2024 at 10:21

It's as if we're confined within this "box," limited to our own perspectives—our thoughts, emotions, and aspirations. We're immersed in our own world, unable to fully grasp the experiences of others. While we can empathize, we often struggle to truly comprehend because their struggles don't directly impact us. Our existence revolves around our own feelings, thoughts, and desires, entrapping us within this confined space.

Our minds serve as the gatekeepers, perpetuating this sense of enclosure with our incessant thoughts and emotions. But what if we could break free from this confinement? What if we dared to step outside our "box" and see the world through the eyes of others? To understand their internal struggles and empathize with their experiences, unencumbered by our own self-interests? Perhaps it's as simple as lending an ear, offering a kind word they've longed to hear.

Let's venture beyond the confines of our own perspectives and shift our focus to those around us, offering them the empathy and care we seek for ourselves. This requires setting aside our own concerns.

Jesus exemplified a life lived beyond self-interest. His focus wasn't on His own needs or desires but on fulfilling the will of His Father. He transcended the limitations of self and genuinely cared for those around Him. Can we imitate His example? Can we trust that our Heavenly Father will provide for our needs as we prioritize the needs of others, setting aside our fleshly desires and selfish ambitions?

Imagine living a life worthy of our calling—truly believing that all things are possible. It's a challenge that demands unwavering faith and a willingness to step outside our comfort zone.


(This was my first writing from when I first came to faith as an adult)

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